The PASSAGE team is currently producing free online courses for students across the globe, with the goal of providing blueprints for pursuing common S.T.E.M careers.
Unlike most online video course libraries, PASSAGE's Pro Course will provide step-by-step instructions on how to excel in scientific fields. Such as paleontology, astronomy, environmental engineering, and more! Each course covers education, scholarships, career searching, notable organizations, and lifestyle. The library will benefit high school and college students, and will be available in multiple languages soon. |
PASSAGE is teaming up with the Mars-Moon Astronautics Academy & Research Science (MMAARS, Inc) to give six future astronauts the opportunity to participate in a Mars analog astronaut training mission in the Mojave Desert.
To apply, donate $25 or more to our PASSAGE fundraiser. You will automatically be entered into the drawing. You may submit as many donations as you would like. One $25+ donation = One submission. MMAARS is the leading commercial organization offering various Analog Astronaut training programs in the Mojave Desert, the Himalayas, and Everest Basecamp. Crew members are selected to join fully immersive in-person Lunar and Martian environment simulations and/or join our MMAARS Virtual Astronautics Academy training programs. Six winning crew members will join a week-long Mars Analog Training Mission scheduled for early 2022. This includes living and working in a Mars isolation and confinement environment, completing team objectives and mission tasks, and exploring the Martian environment through space-suit extravehicular activities (EVAs). Each prize valued at $3,500.00 (USD). Upon completion of your training experience, you will receive a MMAARS graduation certificate and join the MMAARS Analog Astronaut community. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Winners will be given a MMAARS Scholarship to attend a crew mission worth $3,500.00 (USD). This scholarship will BE APPLIED to the Participation Fees. (Note: NO EXCHANGE OF MONIES. THIS IS NOT A CASH PRIZE). Submissions accepted until the PASSAGE fundraiser reaches $50,000 (USD). Winners will be announced at or about January 18th, 2021. Winners may be responsible for the MMAARS Administration Fee of $400.00 (USD). PASSAGE is looking to cover these costs through continuous fundraising. Participants are required to complete and MUST pass the MMAARS Virtual Astronautics Level 1 Training certification BEFORE permission is granted to join an in-person mission. Participants MUST pass a medical clearance and a psychological evaluation interview and survey. |